I just got done watching the teaser for Final Fantasy Versus XIII and I have to say, I am pretty amazed. My sense of awe and amazement came before the video even began when I found out that the team that brought me Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children and Kingdom Hearts 2, would be making this game, I knew right then and there that whenever that game comes out, I would be $60 (or if they make a special edition probably $70) short. This game looks fantastic, and if it feels as good as KH2, which it will probably feel better, this could quite possibly be the greatest game of all time in terms of graphics, story line, game-play, and music. I'm not ready to crown it yet because I still adore FF7, but if there is one game that looks as if it might be able to outdo FF7, it might be FF13 Versus. I dont know, but either way this is going to be one heck of a game.
Sunday, October 28, 2007
Friday, October 26, 2007
Assassin of Prey
I knew hardly anything about Assassins Creed prior to the past two weeks. Now, as I watch the game-play videos and the art concepts and explanations video, I am finding myself interested, truly interested in what this game has to offer and how it is delivered. And now is the perfect time to become interested in the game since it's release date is two days after Super Mario Galaxy which I have been excited for for almost a year. AC looks smooth, crisp, and full of creative content. The only thing I worry about is how the final product is going to be delivered. This game has a potential to be a medieval, historical, fantastical Metal Gear Solid game (which I am also psyched for but it doesn't come out for several months). But it also has the potential to be entirely too slow. If there is one thing I hate more than a game with great graphics and bad game-play is a game that is hyped, such as Lair or Heavenly Sword, that does not deliver. Granted HS is much better than Lair but still, HS was entirely too short. Ubisoft, don't let me down.
Insane in the Membrane
Manhunt 2 is the second game I know of that has almost pulled an Adults only rating (AO). The first, as you will recall, was by accident when Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas got hacked and you could...well you could do things you normally didn't have the freedom to do in a game...sexual...things. Anyway. Manhunt looks just crazy enough to work. The added bonus, or lunacy, is that with the Wii controls, you can actually execute the kills moving your hands in the motion as if you were really killing someone. I can see the headlines now, "Manhunt causes child to kill mother with paper clip, syringe, and fire hose." But the thing that I have to keep coming back to, in defending video games, is that it is an art-form. Don't get mistake what I'm saying here, to act out a murder on a video game system in the wrong hands could be deadly...in more than one way. But ultimately, it's not the game's fault that one capable human being murdered another innocent human being. Furthermore, this game looks very deranged, and it might be one of the first thriller/horror games that I actually play extensively, unless you want to count Loaded from way back in the day. Who knows I could even own it, but I probably will be playing with all of the lights on. So much for being a strong, "Man." (get it?)
Thursday, October 25, 2007
EA is doing it again. Or rather, EA is just putting their name on it again. Either way, EA Playground came out TODAY! You might say, "Jeremy, I'm an adult, I don't do the whole 'playground' thing anymore." And then I would say, "That's because you are a loser that doesnt know how to play tetherball, handball, soccervolley ball, throw paper airplanes in a school's hallway, and do other...kid stuff!! So there :-P" Those are some of the games that you can play with in Playground. And, you know, for some of the people who don't do the playground thing...this Playground may make you change your mind.
Monday, October 22, 2007
I have been a DS man for over a year now. I have finally caved in and bought a PSP. Why? Well one because I found the Daxter Family Guy, 1GB memory stick, and slimmer silver psp for 190 on Amazon. That INCLUDES shipping and handling (for all of you not good in math, the price without shipping was 187...so it was only 3 bucks shipping). And I know am looking at different games for the PSP, not that I dont absolutely LOVE my Daxter game. Ok so I'm being a bit sarcastic cause I haven't played it much. The real reason I got the game was for the games that havent come out yet such as Final Fantasy 7: Crisis Core and God of War: Chains of Olympus. Speaking of that....
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
If three is a crowd...four is...WOW!
Over the past several weeks I had been wondering. I had been wondering about when, and in what form Capcom was going to make a new Street Fighter game. Now I'm hearing...what is this? Street Fighter IV!? Oh my goodness. When I saw the trailer it was some of the best animation I have seen to date, and if not the best, it is definitely one of the most unique. Check out the Hadouken at the end. It's...refreshing to say the least.
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Kid Friendly, gamer approved
The more and more I hear, see, watch the new spider-man game, the more and more I say to myself ,"You know what, I'm going to get this game...what? I'm getting this game? Yes I'm going to get this game." But it's easy, it's cheesy, it's...it's. ..fun. Ok so I haven't played it yet, but if the trailer shows anything, how could I not have fun with this game? You might say, "But Jeremy, it's just another Spider-man game. Spider-Man Friend or Foe may be a "kiddy" game, but it's a kiddy game I'm willing to play. Just like the Cadillac commercial where it asks when you turn on your car does it return the favor. Well the same can be asked about a video game. When you put it in, do you yelp, yell, scream, say "OHHH" and "YEAH BOY!!" when you do well? I imagine Spider-Man will help me have fun once again, even if it is more "kiddy".
Sunday, October 14, 2007

..........That's how I'm starting this......ellipses.....because I can't believe they pushed Super Smash Brothers Brawl back another two months. BUT, SONIC,thats right, SONIC ladies and gentlemen..will be in this new game. I haven't had a chance to play any sort of demo, but I already have a favorite character as of Oct. 14, 2007. It dissapoints me that I will not be able to play this game until AFTER I finish school, but in all actuality, that might be a great thing because I'll be done a semester early and I'll be able to play as much SSB as I want, without worrying about homework, papers, and all that stuff. Ok...so it's not so bad that it comes out in February.
Saturday, October 6, 2007
Strangle.. Woah
Stranglehold is definitely a pleasant surprise. When I heard, "John Woo presents" I immediately decided that it would be a much more polished and well presented game, far from that of the matrix. Come to think of it though, the Wakowski brothers did the Matrix and John Woo had nothing to do with it. Either way, I figured it would be a good game. I got a chance to play the demo on PS3. I was simply blown away. The way you can slow down time and how it's not just jumping slowly, but jumping off of walls, sliding down railings, sliding on small push carts, shooting down a billboard sign, shooting a transformer pole down and watching it fall on your enemies, is all what makes this game unique and yet innovative. You can practically damage anything in the game, and the storyline makes for an entertaining premise of a 'one cop does it all' theme. The fact that this game isn't a franchise, and is not a sequel makes me even more excited. Because in today's "madden generation" of games that are only bought for franchise characters, or sequels, it is good to see a game with no predecessors come out and deliver in a well put together fashion that should be recognized positively by the general gaming public. Go get this game.
Thursday, October 4, 2007
The Crisis is that it isn't out yet
Final Fantasy 7 Crisis Core is looking good...well at least the trailer looks good. I felt as if I was watching Advent Children. And if we know anything about Square-Enix, they know how to put a great story, mixed with great music, into a great innovative, enjoyable game. The only downside about this game is that it isnt out yet. I have yet to buy a PSP (but with the new price and slimmer model, that might change very soon), but if this game were out, I'd run to my local Target and get one now...right now..right as I'm writing this. That's simply how much I love the Final Fantasy series and virtually anything Square-Enix produces. And even though the game is coming out in Japan this fall, (Can Americans get it at the same time? Please? No? Ok I need to move to Japan) we can still expect a great game whenever it decides to grace us with its presence here in the U.S. I have found out that the game will take place in real time, but the battles will be random, opposite that of where the Final Fantasy series has started to go (see FFXII). I am very much looking forward to more and more details about this game. Until then, enjoy the video.
Wednesday, October 3, 2007
I may Cry
Devil May Cry 4 is finally coming out...sooner rather than later, or is it the opposite? It seems as if the good games, or at least the anticipated good games, always come out later than expected and Devil May Cry is no different. It doesnt debut until next year, and when it does it should be a solid game. Even though the main character, Nero, not Dante, is headlining the game, and looks almost identical to Dante (where is the creative juice here?), the game is supposed to be much better. At the Tokyo Game Show the booth around Devil May Cry was packed and it was found out that Dante is actually going to be a boss fight against Nero. Good luck trying to remember which white hair, blue eye character you are. Every time you think you are winning, it might actually be Dante kicking your butt. But we wont know until early 2008, that sucks.
Ok So I havent played this game yet, but it HAS to be a good game. It is pretty safe to say that if this was the ONLY game for the Nintendo Wii I would buy the Wii and play this game. I cannot wait for this game to come out in December. And from the screens I have see, there looks to be a significantly deeper cast of characters including Diddy Kong and Solid Snake. If excitement was a high fat food, I would be gaining weight all the way until the game came out. Enjoy the video.
Super Mario Galaxy looking good
Super Mario Galaxy is looking better and better each time I check out a new video or read about a new feature of the game scheduled to launch in early November. Maybe we will finally be able to see a quality Mario game that we have been starving for. As for the Video Game Aid, you know I will be all over this game the day it comes out because it looks as appeasing as any solo Mario game I've seen since the release of Mario 64 eons ago. Dare I say it, this game looks to be more fun, and more interactive, and more likeable, and whatever other adjective you want to throw in there, than Mario 64 was, and that was one of the best games of all time. Lets just hope it lives up to the hype.
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