Monday, November 12, 2007

Assassins creed rips "HOUSE" Theme

I was watching TV today and an Assassins Creed commercial came on with a familiar theme. I could not think of this theme for the life of me until I took a nap later on. The theme was from Fox's show House. I thought to myself, "Self," I said, "Why did they do this? I realize, self, that this is not a House produced song but rather a song that Fox paid to have the rights too, but self, if you were the person from AC doing the commercial, wouldn't you say, 'Hey, lets not do this song because everyone knows that from the hit show House.'" Self responded and told me yes, bu he understands that if people recognize it and figure out it is from House, maybe they will always remember, like me, the AC commercial ripped of House. Hmmm, I guess subliminal advertising really did work on me.


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