Monday, January 21, 2008

Call of Duty 4 is the Bomb!

Call of Duty 4 I am not the most die-hard first person shooter. I am not the most die-hard army game fan. I have officially become a die hard Call of Duty (if produced by Infinity Ward) fan. Seriously, I'm not one for first person shooters where things can get frustrating to a point of giving up. The idea of enemies popping up around corners and such don't sit well with me. Luckily, COD4 helps matters, at least in my case, by always giving me allies who direct me in what to do and where to go, and rarely do enemies sneak up behind me.
That alone isn't the only reason why COD4 excels compared to other first person shooters. The story is fast paced and the voice acting is top notch. I actually felt as if I was part of the army. When my comrades died, a little piece of me was saddened even though I knew it was a virtual world. But most of all, I loved how the game stayed consistent, but not monotonous.
Throughout the game you will be either on foot, in a helicopter, in a plane, or in a vehicle, and every type of terrain is different, and yet, familiar. The interesting part of this game is although you are one character for the majority of the time (a guy named SOAP), you still get to experience other soldiers roles such as when you are in a plane high above a site shooting at enemies who have no chance of shooting you because you are so high in the air. Simply put, the game is multifarious.
Yes, it is short, yes it goes by quickly because you are having fun, but replay value is through the roof for two reasons. One is online play. I have only done free-for-all online play, and that is fun in itself. When I'm actually able to unlock new modes after getting my rank up, who knows how many hours I will be on this game. The other replay value is seeing if you can beat the game in harder modes of difficulty. I beat it with little frustration on the normal level, so who knows how many times I will die in the harder levels, but that makes it all the more exciting because as I get more familiar with the levels, difficulty will be a manner of skill rather than surprise.
Overall, this is a great first person shooter and a great army game. This serves well for any development company that wants to make quality games in the future. I can't wait until Infinity Ward unleashes their next genius game, but in the meantime I'll definitely have something to do.


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