Monday, February 18, 2008

Bigotry loves company

Me: Hey guys your just gonna take that?!
Them: We are gonna be the bigger men and walk away.
Me: Good for you, but I have to get this off my chest.

Yet again, Jack Thompson is trying to say that games such as Grand Theft Auto are...let me get this right..."murder simulators." He even went so far as to get on destructoid itself and write a post saying,

"We need to get you sociopathics kiddies off these murder simulators and back to doing your homework."

Really Mr. Thompson? If this is indeed you and not some poser. And if I were to call you a video game bigot would that be fair? Or maybe your displaying a form of prejudice just to get your face out there. Seriously, I'm not comparing hating video games without playing them, to hating people without getting to know them, but come on Mr. Thompson, you sure seem like you have an agenda. And your agenda is ignorant especially when you ignore the facts.

Grand Theft Auto is not a murder simulator. Grand Theft Auto is a game that is rated M, for mature audiences. Grand Theft Auto does not walk you through the process of finding the right bullets for the right guns, and the right time of day, to kill the right people, with the right tools and the right silencer, and hire the right lawyer to get you off your oh so wrongful conviction. No, Grand Theft Auto is none of these. But I don't have to prove it, let me give you a quote from an expert. This is from Robert Gauss who is an EXPERT on simulators because he has worked with simulators for the US Army (from what I understand, they are pretty credible, fight on troops).

“Simulators” are devices used to mimic the actions and functions of a real thing, a real situation, or both… and usually involves some sort of realistic motion…

How well does GTA simulate murder? Just even a cursory look can see how GTA fails this test: Everything is presented via a 3rd person view… weapons auto-load and auto-aim… computer people mostly walk and drive around aimlessly and helplessly… computer people don’t… act in a realistic manner when attacked… bodies disappear and respawn — hardly like murder if they keep coming back to life

Our “gang games” mentioned above do not even represent murder, but rather a cartoony environment… It’s not just unfair to call Grand Theft Auto a “murder simulator,” it is laughably incorrect…"

Not only incorrect, but laughably so. So Mr. Thompson, why don't you get off your made-for-ignorant-tv soap box and start doing some research. You could start by, uh, I dont know, actually playing some of these games instead of just saying they are making our youth learn how to be murderers. You're like a little kid who says, "This is better because I said so" rather than finding out why it is so. Which in this case, you are not right, by any means. You talk about children being juvenile, maybe you need to take a look at your argument. Get the facts Jack! (That rhymes if you didn't know)

Jeremy aka Adridius

Update: These quotes were obtained through for those of you who were skeptical of the legitimacy. Here is the link.


Anonymous said...

Well, I am guessing that the blame shifts from tv to video games back to TV!!! Who else can we blame?
certainly not the parents!!!

Your blog is good.

Anonymous said...

Young man, are you sure your statistics are correct?? It is hard for me to believe that these critics would make false accusations publicly. Are your credentials listed. I will continue to read your site. I am happy you will continue to research.