Just want to let you guys know a couple of things. Nintendo Wii Fanboy is reporting that because the Wii sales have been doing so well this may lead to future next-gen consoles to become less pricey.
It seemed that prices would just keep going up, and up, and up as technology got better and better. And the big two (as far as prices) would just keep their prices skyrocketing until I was expecting to see a $1,000 system in my time. I am happy to report that I am probably wrong. Since Nintendo has been making money starting with day one of blowing away the big two in Microsoft and Sony, those two respective game companies will have to take heed to what Nintendo is doing.
Billy Pidgeon with IDC says this:
The results of this cycle will have a strong influence on the next cycle, in that cheaper consoles will be expected. Microsoft and Sony will attain successful business on this generation, but catering to the early adopter hardcore gamers with a technology leader strategy will be difficult in 2011.
When the Wii first came out I thought it interesting that it was only going to be $250. In perspective, the 8-bit revolutionary NES was only $200. Now carry that over 20 years, and what do you have. Only a $50 increase. With how fast gas prices have gone up in a decade, this is some pretty serious pricing in the consumers advantage. But as Nintendo proved, a less-capable system, with the right innovations can pay much more dividends than a high end system that actually makes a company lose money every time they sell one (See Microsoft and Sony).
And for my second note. I am thinking about writing a blog ranking the Super Smash Brothers Brawl characters from best to worst and giving my reasons. Everyone loves lists, so I'm going to make my very own list (since I've been playing the heck out of this game). Consider that a cliff hanger (even though you know what's coming up next).
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