Saturday, July 5, 2008

MK vs DC Universe

Remember a while back when I was discussing the oddity of having Batman fight Sub-Zero? And do you also remember how I was questioning the co-existence of Superman in the same fighting game as Scorpion? One side is gore galore and the other side is your fathers superhero. Well today I find out that instead of fatalities there will be a certain finishing move called a brutality. What's the difference you asked? Well, brutalities are, well, brutal and not fatal.

Does this give any of you a sense of relief? Does it mean that these two universes can now co-exist? Do you still think Midway is out of it's mind? I for one am excited to play this game, but I'm not excited enough to want to own it yet. What about you all? What do you think? Will this really work? (I've asked this question I think at least a couple times before this on previous posts, so if you've already answered, it's ok to answer again).

-Jeremy aka Adridius

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

A silly gimmick for a dying franchise.

Hmm, let's see. Batman is prominent in many of these photos, and The Dark Knight, possibly the biggest film this summer, will be released soon. What a surprise!

I'll pass.