It has come to my attention that Shigeru Miyamoto has been given a gag order from Nintendo who have forbidden him from talking about his-get this-hobbies. Nintendo does not want anyone outside of Nintendo to know of Miyamoto's ideas. You might be wondering what the big deal is. Well, have you ever heard of Wii Fit and Brain Training? These two ultra-popular games came about because Miyamoto started exercising more and because he had a love for puzzles.
The DS touch screen developed because Miyamoto liked to touch everything he saw. The Wii-mote developed because he liked to act like he was in the movie Fantasia. And the name "Wii" came about because he always wanted to include everyone in the above two activities. Ok, so none of those three things are true, but it appears that when Miyamoto does have an idea it can easily be turned into a profitable venture. I wonder what he does if he goes out on a date and his date asks him "What are your hobbies?" WATCH OUT MIYAMOTO SHE'S A GOLD DIGGER!!!
-Jeremy aka Adridius
Isn't he married?
Sorry to ruin your joke.
Yeah, he probably is, but it was just for joking purposes. I thought about that same thing..but I figured people would just realize it was a joke. Thanks for the comment
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