Friday, September 26, 2008

Gamers and a depression

Video games make people's science people!!

Wow. I know I haven't been on for a while. Going out of town, having a job, and being tired when you get back will do that to you. Hopefully I'll be able to get a gameznflix account set up soon and at LEAST give you all mini-reviews at a semi-regular pace if nothing else.

For the first time in a while, I was actually looking through my video game blogs (because as of late I've been focused on football blogs, because, well, it's NFL season!!!). I came across a post that was asking which console should be played the most if we go into a depression (which I've heard some say we are in, personally, I'm not buying that we are in a depression just yet, but most definitely we are in a recession).

The wonderful thing about gaming, and other forms of entertainment, is that it takes your mind off of the world's problems, life's problems, and personal problems, and let's you live out the problems, story, love affair, or action of another character. It can be an extreme form of comfort and contentment to simply get away. So I ask you gamers, which console, Wii, 360, or PS3, should be the bridge from our recession (or some say depression) to more glorious financial times? I personally like all three and if I was only given one I would manage just fine with any of them, seriously. But what consoles do you think would help the nation get through a hard time?

First and foremost the 360 comes to mind simply because of the community it brings. It's as if we can all escape the world at the same time and go into our own gamertagged community. The 360 also has a wide array of games that are liked by a lot of people. And with its price tag having dropped, I could easily see how this system could get someone through a hard time.

The PS3 may be next because it's the other hardcore gamer system of the big three. It's appeal is free internet play, japanese publishing and technology, and a cult following that goes back to 95. And personally, I think it's the most elite system of the three in terms of graphics, capability, and design. The developers have been slowly catching on as to how they should go about developing software for this system. It's getting better and gaining more ground, but that price tag might turn some people off.

Finally, the most family friendly and family inclusive system, the Wii. Who wouldn't want to play this to get away from their problems? You can be a professional bowler, tennis player, boxer, and baseball player all before noon. And with it's wide selection of first party games, it's sure to be a system that will draw nostalgic feelings from anyone and everyone who has loved playing Nintendo.

With all that said, I seriously am sticking by my first proposition. Give me any one of the three and I'll be fine (thankfully for me I have all three). We'll make it through these hard times gamers (even if you aren't aware that we are in hard times). Just keep your thumbs on that controller and by the time you beat that first person shooter on ultimately ridiculously hard difficulty mode, we'll be out of this recession. Happy gaming.

-Jeremy aka Adridius

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