We need to make sure that whoever wins, we come together as AMERICANS after this is all said and done!
Editors note: This blog post is geared toward Americans as it contains thougts about the election. It is by no means a statement of "America is better than the rest of the world" and by all means I encourage you to still read it if you are from another country. But keep in mind it is for Americans on the day we decide who our next leader will be. Thank you- AdridiusUsually video games and politics don't mix. But I felt compelled to just write a little something about the election.
It is great that we can live in a country where so many different people have so many various opinions about the world and how it operates. Some people like horror movies, some people like comedy, some people like Twilight, others like Harry Potter. Some people prefer a quiet walk on the beach while others prefer hanging out in a club. One group would campaign for Xbox 360 if it were a candidate and a whole different set of people would campaign for PS3.
We have Fanboys, nerds, geeks, music lovers, conservatives, liberals, democrats, republicans, reds, blues, optimists, pessimists, Christians, Jews, Muslims, Buddhists, Hindus, agnostics, athiests, scientists, philosophers, sociologists, journalists, bloggers, mad people, happy people, sad people, weird people, smart people, dumb (with relativity) people, people who make not so good decisions and people who always make the best decisions; CEOs, plumbers, construction workers, bankers, lollygaggers, lazys, musicians, DJs, singers, actors, TV watchers, book fanatics and of course, gamers.
We are a diverse group of people in America (and frankly all over the world), so we have to get out and vote. If you didn't vote today, I'm sure you have your reasons and I'm not going to blast you for it. But if you didn't vote today simply because you were lazy and didn't feel like it, here's a big wag of the finger and a tsk tsk.
There is a gaming point to all of this. We all may be Wii, PS3, or 360 fanatics, but we all have one thing in common, we are gamers. We like long games, short games, story-lines, fighting games, RPGs, racing games, customizable games, casual games, and so forth. We are all gamers and we are part of a large community even though we are all indiviuals and may not agree on everything (like who is the best player in Super Smash Brothers Brawl). We must take that idea and apply it to however the election turns out because we are all Americans. We may be different, but we are all unifiably the same in one respect, we live in American and we are part of a bigger whole.
If McCain wins, get behind him, if Obama wins, get behind him. We cannot be Red and Blue (unless of course it is an online multiplayer army game) forever, we must be unified after this election no matter how it turns out. Happy Election Day everyone!
-Jerem aka Adridius
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