Thursday, April 24, 2008

PSP in the bathtub.....ok.....

For those of you that love the Rain Forest, this is for YOU!

Came across an interesting little add-on (so to speak) for your PSP system. If you are like me and don't need to have your PSP everywhere you go this add-on is not for you. But if you like to bathe in the tub with bubbles and relax and play your PSP, then this is just for you! Check out the picture.

Heck, this could be good on a rainy day when you have to walk to class; or when you are stuck outside, or heck, if you just want to jump in an aquarium full of fishes and show them your awesomely cool combo score in God of War! Yes there are multiple uses for this. Personally I would love to go see Shamu and show him Final Fantasy VII so he could have an appreciation for other things in life rather than showing people he can wave. Wave on Shamu, wave on.

-Jeremy aka Adridius

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