Just because the dinosaur is big DOESN'T mean he is better than Mario! Duh! (if you are confused, read on).
Interactive entertainment is going to determine one great company and I think it's this one. One of the reasons I've come back is to try to take it to the next step.
Umm.. Ok hold on. (takes a long pause). What does EA even have besides Madden? Think about it. Ok you done? Did you think of anything huge? Oh I know! They have Mario, oh, wait, no. OH! They have Sonic! Oh, wait...no. HEY! They have the GTA franchi...wait what, they don't have that either? Fox? Samus? Donkey Kong? Call of Duty? BioShock? Final Fantasy? God of War? Ninja Gaiden? None of those? How about this, how about this. They've got NFL Tour (BWAhahahahahaha! That's a good one).
If you want to be video games (or "interactive entertainment's") one great company then when you think video games you have to think (enter in your company's name here). All I think about when I think of EA is how they bully their way into trying to take over other companies to get profit on games they didn't even come up with (see EA trying to take over Take-Two because of GTA IV). I think of how they bullied 2K because they knew that 2k would rip them a new one with the 2k football series. So instead of just making a better game of Madden, they go ahead and get an exclusive deal so they are the only company to make NFL games. When I think of EA, I don't think of a development company, I think of a publisher that puts their name on everything that is good that they don't make (see Rock Band). When I think of EA, I think about two horrible years of Madden on next gen systems. When I...ok you get the picture. When I think of EA, I don't think of a gaming giant because they are geniuses, I think they have a lot of money publishing titles and owning the biggest football franchise ever. Does ANYone recall Superman?
Guys and girls, honestly, when I think about video games I think of classics and wonderful characters with wonderful story lines. When I think about video games I don't associate a big game publishing giant who seems more interested in the bottom line than making great games. Make some great games first and rely less on your name EA and maybe I'll think about associating you with the word video games or "interactive entertainment."
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