This ad got pulled. (Pause) What do three men on the side of the bus have to do with a mass shooting in Chicago?! According to Fox, the ad probably should have held the trigger itself. Stupid Fox...
The Chicago Transit Authority has pulled ads (see above) for Grand Theft Auto IV. Fox news had their own bit of musing that they did:
With so much focus on kids and violence these days, we wondered why ads for a violent video game have begun popping up again on CTA buses and train stations.
Yeah. Wondered. More like tried to pull a story out of your booty holes! Are you serious Fox? Go pick on something else ok? Seriously. I didn't hear you crying bloody murder when 300 came out and was being advertised. I didn't hear you yelling and screaming about Saw I, II, III, and IV. And where exactly were you when Freddy Vs Jason came out? Seriously, there are tons of other violent mediums that you can jump on. The shooting in 24 (oh wait, that's a Fox show, let's not talk about that), the Sara Connor Chronicles with guns blazing (wait...Fox again). No, you only attack what is easily convenient to attack.
Just because there are a handful of complaints (compared to the amount of people who are definitely going to buy this game) does not mean that these ads should be pulled. I am not advocating violence by any means, but how do the GTA ads (as seen above) start violence that led to "37 shot, 2 stabbed and 7 dead" (numbers according to CBS). Seriously Fox, why are you insisting this is causation? You all need to learn about the difference between causation and correlation. Just because something is there, does not mean it causes the other act to happen. And if you don't know what of what I'm speaking then you need to stop deciding what gets put on as 'news'. This is disgusting and it's only the beginning which is sad.
-Jeremy aka Adridius
1 comment:
As long as videogames are thought to be something only children play, people will look down upon it greatly. Sad, but true.
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