Wednesday, December 24, 2008

A new Final Fantasy XIII trailer [video]

Maybe it's just me, but every time a new Final Fantasy trailer is released, whether it was 10 years ago, or even up to now, I just get overcome with this sense of benevolence because of the fact that I am looking at sheer video game beauty. Now it has gotten to the point where not only am I reveling in the fact that I actually get to play this video game sometime in my life, but that it also doesn't even look like a video game. The fact that it actually is playable makes it that much more enticing.

When I see movie previews I get excited, when I see video game previews of today, part of me can get even more excited because I will actually be able to connect with the characters in a way that is not possible with movies. All of that leads me to say this: I cannot wait until Final Fantasy XIII is released. And what's more, I actually get to experience it before most people.

I might as well give you all an update as to what will be happening with the Video Game Aid. It's not going away, but if my cards are able to be played right I will be able to bring you content before it is released in the U.S. No, no, no, I'm not pirating video games, I'm actually going to be overseas where I will most likely get them before everyone else, at least the Japanese made ones anyway. If you haven't figured it out yet, I'm going to be leaving for Japan early next year.

I got a job over there teaching children English and I will be leaving late January. So you should not expect a lot of content between the end of January and most likely the end of February. I will still try to write on this blog, but I do not know how much time I will have, especially when I will be having another blog which is chronicling my time in Japan for all my friends and family.

Don't worry avid readers, I have no intention of leaving this blog bare for a long period of time, but as I have stated before, life gets in the way from time to time. Get psyched about FFXIII and enjoy the video. And no, I do not know what it is about, but I'm sure it won't matter because like me, you will probably just enjoy the video for it's gorgeous nature anyway.

-Jeremy aka Adridius

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