Sunday, September 14, 2008

Karma is a Spore [news]

When I was walking around Target yesterday I spotted something that I had been hearing about for a while; Spore. My idiot mind thought it was going to be on consoles, so at first the fact that it was a PC and Mac game didn't quite click with me. Then after a bit of deliberation with myself it all started to make sense as to why it would be a computer game (because it's kind of like the Sims...or actually, probably totally like it depending on how you think of it). At that moment I considered buying it, but then thought two or three more times about it and decided not to just yet (I do this with a lot of games).

Interestingly enough I'm looking through game blogs and come across similar stories, Spore is being downloaded like crazy over Torrents. You might ask, "Well Jeremy, a lot of games download like crazy on Torrents." And I would respond that a lot of games haven't been downloaded 171,402 times since September 1. Apparently this is happening because gamers are outraged at EA.

The reasoning behind the crazy amount of downloads is because, some would suggest, EA was asking for it when they put some controversial DRM controls on the disc and also when they only allowed users to create only one account per copy of the game. Needless to say this pissed a lot of people off to the point where a lot of users on Amazon gave it a 1 out of 5 and were ripping it to shreds with their user reviews. Here is one review:

EA, of course, is not obligated to grant you that extra activation or even provide that service. In a couple of years they might very well even shut down the general activation servers, because "it's not financially feasible" to keep them running. What you will be left with is a nice, colorful $50 coaster. And you will be required to pay for another copy/license if you want to continue playing.

This basically means that you are actually RENTING the game, instead of owning it. The game WILL stop to function in the future. That's inevitable, because even if EA keeps the activation servers going, there IS going to be a time when EA will simply cease to exist because of financial issues or federal laws (like most business eventually do).

This is getting serious folks. As if EA didn't have enough of a bad reputation with gamers, this gives EA another bad PR hit with a game that was highly anticipated. Actions such as this show why EA is constantly being referred to as the devil. Just chalk it up as another reason to hate EA. What do you think readers?

-Jeremy aka Adridius

It should be noted that I am not advocating downloading this game off of a torrent, I'm simply reporting a story.

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