Tuesday, September 30, 2008

PS4 rumor [rumor and ludiocrasy (yes I made that up)]


I was reading one of the great video game blogs known as Destructoid and I came across an interesting rumor; PS4 screens. Apparenty Sony has been sending screens to developers to get their feedback on the system that could drop sometime in 2011. Sony will be trying to make the cost of the system less while still upping it's power and simultaneously making it smaller. They will do all of this with the help of God, Satan, Magic, and technology (just kidding).

I'm going to go silly first and then I'm going to go serious. Why does this system look like a toaster? I mean seriously? Are we going to be able to toast bread in our new PS4's while we play God of War 5? Will there be a mini-game in X-Men where the faster Pyro burns something the m0re burnt your toast will get? They should call it Sony ToastStation! Yay!

On a serious note. I hate these rumors. I haven't even really broken in my PS3 yet (until I play an RPG on it, it's still not broken in) and people are already talking about a PS4 in 2011? Can we save it please? Can we keep the PS4 rumors at bay until at least two years before the darned thing is supposed to come out? That would be great. But no, what will probably happen is that when PS4 does get released we'll be talking about PS7, totally missing the fact that we need a PS5 and PS6. Don't those sound like Air Force airplanes? "Make sure the PS6 is going at least 100 miles an hour before you reach 2,000 feet!"

Granted, this is a rumor, but it's seriously one of my least favorite rumors. Give me a rumor, or screen shot about God of War III, that would be wonderful.

-Jeremy aka Adridius

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