Monday, July 14, 2008

Final Fantasy XIII [video]

*GASP* I don't even know what is going on in this video, and yet, while I was watching it I was short of breath...or maybe I was holding my breath. Same thing right? Final Fantasy XIII looks like Advent Children. Except, it's a video game. And unless my eyes deceived me, at one point it appeared that the graphics I was seeing was IN-game ALL-the game. While I haven't played a Final Fantasy since VII that grasped at my emotions and totally engulfed me in the story line, I'm hoping that this graphical wonder by Squeenix will be one to remember, especially with it's counterpart, Final Fantasy Versus XIII set to hit the scene soon after as well (I'm not exactly sure when both of them are scheduled for release, but I'm fairly sure that XIII will come before Versus XII). And check out the cute girls man! That's awesome. And what's also way awesomely cool is the fact that this one seems more action packed. Not that the previous entries weren't, but motorcycles, guns a blazing and fast movements usually catch anyone's eye.

If you can't tell already, I'm a Final Fantasy buff. No I havent played and/or beaten every FF, but I still have such an appreciation and respect for the series and the developer. I hope this one is one to remember for the ages. Enjoy the video.

-Jeremy aka Adridius

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