Friday, July 11, 2008

Madden 09 [preview]

"We want to make year's Madden so good that you simply can't go back and play '08," said Senior Producer Phil Frazier of Madden '09.

Interesting. In the video he talks about how at the beginning of the game Madden will actually cater to the player. If I'm really good at running the ball, but not so good at throwing it, the difficulty adjusts to make throwing a bit easier. From the grass, to the gameplay, Madden 09 is looking like it literally will be the best Madden ever.

For those of you that are still part of the "I hate how Madden has no competition and they keep putting out the same game every year" club (which I am part of as well, at least for now) Frazier had something to say about that. He mentioned that EA Sports doesn't look at it like that (hmmm, then why have we really basically had the same game for years now, especially since you got that exclusive contract? Huh Phil?). He said that they are competing to be the best video game experience out there. They are competing with Grand Theft Auto IV and Bioshock, not just football games.

As good as that sounds, and trust me it sounds good, I just can't buy it. When there is no other game out there that lets you play as your favorite team and players, of course by default you have to grab the only one on the shelf (not counting the atrocity that is NFL Tour). Sure they want their video game to be able to compete with the likes of GTA and Bioshock maybe in terms of critics and awards, but let's be real here, they have no competition because they are the main stage of their niche franchise. So, like I said, it sounds good, but it's simply not a good explanation for me as to people passing judgment on your company in regards to making the same Madden every year. I hope this year it can change, because boy does this one look good.

I particularly like the new TD celebration feature. If you go to a specific spot on the field and press a button you're player will perform a celebration. For example, if you press the corresponding button next to the stadium wall you will do a Lambeau Leap. Man, I'll probably be doing a lot of those. All in all, this year of Madden does indeed look like it will be revolutionary, but at the same time, be wary Madden fans, don't accept anything until you've played it yourself. As for my take, you will get it when I get to play this game in the next month or so. Have a good one.

-Jeremy aka Adridius

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