Saturday, August 23, 2008

A Grand, A G, a Millenium, 1,000!!! [excitement]

I've never finished either FFX...but this is "1,000 words".

This is simply funny.

I like family guy and it's cool to see the people do the voices.

Videos from games from my favorite system.

Will it blend? Wii mote! Awesome!

Oh this is too cool!!

Lastly, a milli(enium, hahaha). [it's not edited, so children, please don't click on this video]

Guys and girls, we've reached 1,000 hits here at Gamer-Aid! *Cheering, clapping Woo-hooing, woop-wooping, jumping up and down and spinning out of control* YAYYY!!!

Let's see, I'd like to thank my father and my mother for making me, I'd like to thank God for making them, I'd like to thank all the people who still respect me even though I'm a 22 year old geek. I'd like to thank Nintendo for giving me my first taste of games. I'd like to thank Sony, and heck, even Microsoft. I'd like to thank all of the people who love video games.

But most of all, I'd like to thank YOU, the reader! When I look at the demographics of the people who visit this site: North America, South America, Europe, Africa, Australia, thank you all!! Thank you for taking time out of your day (even if it's by accident, hahaha) and visiting this website. Thank you for those of you who have left comments, and thank you for those of you who agree and disagree with what I say. But most of all, thanks for reading what I have to say, it means a lot.

I hope you all will continue to visit this site and leave comments and most of all; I hope you all continue to enjoy my writing (for those of you that do). Because yes, I do this because I enjoy writing, but I also do it to entertain you all as well. Hopefully one day I can work for a video game publication (and get paid :-D), but I have to admit that it is fun to say, "I have a video game blog that people actually visit and leave comments on!!" You, the reader, are the reason that I come back and keep writing.

I can't promise that Gamer-aid is going to be around forever, especially since I have a job now and will be going overseas early next year (I'll tell you all about that as I get closer to my departure date), but I definitely won't leave you hanging in the meantime. If I have to take an indefinite leave I'll let you know. But that's not going to be happening too soon.

Thanks again, and I hope you enjoy the videos!! Happy 1,000 hits (and counting)!!! YAY!

-Jerem aka Adridius

1 comment:

Anonymous said...
