Friday, August 8, 2008

V-Tech shootings had nothing to do with video games [duh..but here's proof]

We will always remember...

BoingBoing co-author Cory Doctorow had a wide open interview with the Chicago Tribune and he spoke about the misrepresentations involving the tragic happenings at Virginia Tech earlier last year.

"There’s this broad consensus that the Virginia Tech murders had something to do with violent video games. When you actually read the coroner's inquest report, video games are mentioned twice. The first is his mother saying he never wanted to play those video games. The second is his roommate saying, "We always thought he was weird because he never wanted to play video games." Yet it’s still a [popularly held] truism that violent video games must be responsible for Virginia Tech."

I find this to be interesting because it further proves the fact that perception is reality and facts are not always regarded as truth. The fact and truth of the matter is that the official commission that investigated the Virginia Tech tragedy found one game that the shooter played-Sonic The Hedgehog.

Jeremy aka Adridius

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Video games are always at the top of the blame list. I never heard anyone actually relating it to the VT shootings since the story first broke. I thought the general consensous was that it was the crazy Japanese movies he watched. And of course, movies are a popular scapegoat too.