Thursday, February 28, 2008

GTA 100

If you starred at this cover for as long as it took you to complete GTA IV you, this would be the only picture you EVER remember!

WHAT..THE...FRICK! Seriously. This is excellent, and daunting news all at the same time. I have come across some rather scary, and yet exhilarating information. Videogamer is reporting that a Rockstar "spokesperson" who wasn't named has mentioned that Grand Theft Auto IV will be the size of a massive RPG. It will take about 100 hours, so he says.

"If you're not in a rush and you answer the phone when it rings it'll take about 100 hours to complete. It's harder to distinguish between main and side missions - there are loads of both. But there are more main missions than side missions. It's not as clear cut as it used to be because of the phone."

To put this in perspective, if you sleep for 8 hours a night and you tried to stay asleep the time it took you to complete GTA IV, you will have slept 12.5 nights.

If you work out for 30 minutes a day you would have worked out 200 times.

If you play this game in the time you usually work and you get paid $10 an hour, you will have missed out on $1,000.

If you eat one slice of cheesecake in two minutes, you could have eaten 3,000 cheescakes by the time you finished GTA IV.

Since Heavenly Sword only takes an afternoon to beat, lets assume that's 3 hours, you could have played HS 33.33333 times in the amount of time it takes you to beat GTA IV once.

You could also watch 33.3333 NFL games in the time it takes you to play GTA IV. And if you're only watching one team a week you would have to watch 2 full seasons. Think about that.

You get the picture.

GTA IV may be the first game I buy and say to myself, "I pulled one over on Rockstar." Why would I say that? Because this game could keep the average person (with a job and other responsiblities) busy for at least a year or so. Seriously, think about that for a moment. Not only will it be a fast paced, uncut, GTA experience, but it lasts...for a LONG time. How wonderful is that? It's like being able to eat your favorite dish and enjoy it even if you have twelve courses of said dish. I am so happy Take-Two realized how crooked EA was trying to be in the 'if-we-cant-beat-em-buy-em' fiasco they tried to pull last week. GTA is Rockstar, it doesnt need to be tainted with an ugly EA on the front cover. Oh man, can you feel the excitement brewing, this is going to be one of those games people talk about for YEARS.

And to all those readers waiting for the Lost Odyssey review, it's coming I promise.


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