Thursday, February 7, 2008

Twisted Metal..PS3...GASP!

Sweet Tooth: "Come closer, I have a secret"
Me: "Is it a new Twisted Metal game? OMG IT'S a KNIFE!..wait no it's a twisted metal game..AHHHH *GASP!*"

I have (GASP!) heard that the PS3 is coming to Twisted Metal in 2009. Wait, thats backward (GASP!). It's true Twisted Metal is coming to PS3. David Jaffe, on the development team for Eat Sleep Play, which could be developing Twisted Metal said,

"All we have said is that we have a three-game contract with Sony. Those games are PlayStation 3. We have started development on the first of those three games a couple of weeks ago. Realistically, that game will see the light of day at the end of 2009, maybe a little later or sooner, we'll see how things go."

It's about time Mr. Jaffe. That's a cool name by the way. And people with cool names make cool games. It kind of sucks that I have to wait till toward the end of 2009, but at the same time that makes me excited because I have faith the game will be done right. OMG can you imagine online rankings and online play with Twisted Metal? I'm laughing like Sweet Tooth over here I'm so happy.

If I find anything else about this game in the coming days I'll just add to this post. Keep a lookout.

Update: no more than 2 minutes after I posted this. Here's a quote from Jaffe himself.

"Twisted Metal is coming to PS3." Guess that answers it. Thank you Sweet Tooth, you will grace my presence again. Please don't stab me. Stab Roadkill.

-Jeremy aka Adridius

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