Friday, February 8, 2008

No..Wii love PS2

He Love? She love? Wii love...PS2

I came across some interesting figures today courtesy of There was research done by Oricon that surveyed 250 Japanese players on which systems they are buying.. I don't know about you, but I've been jealous all my life of how Japan can get so many cool games earlier than we can, but hey, that's the circle of life and I'll have to live with it. But it is quite interesting to see the type of systems they most value and then when Oricon is able to get figures from age groups and genders, that makes it all that more interesting. I have to say I was surprised that the Wii was the least owned system and that it was in no other age group or gender lists top 5. This might be due to the "high demand, low supply", but even so. The DS however, well that was to be expected. As far as PS2, think about when that system came out (early 2000) and it's still going strong over here in the U.S. and in Japan. If that's any indication to what the PS3 will experience I feel more happy than Tom Cruise jumping on a yellow couch.

-Jeremy aka Adridius

1. PlayStation 2: 62.3 percent
2. Nintendo DS: 55.4 percent
3. Super Famicom: 42.5 percent
4. PlayStation: 37. 5 percent
5. Game Boy: 34.3 percent
6. Game Boy Advance: 31.8 percent
7. Famicom: 28.3 percent
8. NINTENDO64: 25.4 percent
9. PSP: 17 percent
10. Wii: 16.4 percent

1. Nintendo DS: 62 percent
2. PlayStation 2: 58.5 percent
3. Super Famicom: 40.3 percent
4. Game Boy: 36.4 percent
5. PlayStation: 36.2 percent

1. PlayStation 2: 65.7 percent
2. Nintendo DS: 49.3 percent
3. Super Famicom: 44.5 percent
4. PlayStation: 38.8 percent
5. Game Boy: 32.3 percent

1. PlayStation 2: 64.1 percent
2. Nintendo DS: 55.8 percent
3. Game Boy: 51.1 percent

1. PlayStation 2: 70.2 percent
2. Nintendo DS: 56.9 percent
3. Super Famicom: 42.7 percent

1. PlayStation 2: 60 percent
2. Nintendo DS: 51.1 percent
3. Super Famicom: 39.1 percent

1. Nintendo DS: 58.1 percent
2. PlayStation 2: 54.4 percent
3. Super Famicom: 42.8 percent

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the stock tip.
Guess I need to buy PS 3