Thursday, May 8, 2008

Marvel and THQ team up [news]..and it's my 100th post!

Hey adoring fans!! Ok maybe you aren't adoring, but I just wanted to take this time to thank everyone who has been reading this blog on a daily, every-other-daily, weekly, or even monthly basis. I hope to continue this blog for a while. And I hope that you continue to enjoy reading it because even though I'm not getting thousands of hits a day, I still appreciate every single hit and every single comment. I am glad that you take time out of your day to be interested in what Adridius, or Jeremy, has to say about video games. And on that note. Happy 100th post!! On to the news!

This morning Marvel and THQ announced a multi-year agreement that would allow THQ to make video games based off the ever so popular 2-inch toys the Super Hero Squad. If you've been inside of a Wal-Mart, KB toys, Toys R Us, or Target, you have probably seen this little buggers coming in packs of two. They are overly exaggerated cartoony versions of the Marvel Super Heroes and Heroines we have come to know and love. The Super Hero Squad also features Star Wars as well.

The games, that have no title as of now, will be coming out on handhelds, current and nex-gen systems and Windows PC. If you think about it, this has a good chance of being a solid set of games. If you aren't sure what to think use the LEGO series as reference. How awesome are the LEGO Star Wars games? And I don't know about you, but I'm pretty stoked for LEGO Batman. I even have an old post 2 months back about it.

Now I know what some of you may be thinking, "Isn't this supposed to be a kids game?". And my answer is yes. But riddle me this Batman (and I know Batman isn't Marvel...take the pun people, take the pun), weren't Mario, Sonic, Crash Bandicoot, and Pokemon targeted at children as well? Look how well they've done with the mainstream video game players. Just think about it, a toony Hulk taking down a toony Wolverine, or vice-versa. It'll be interesting to see how they implement these toony heroes. All I can say is that I'm excited and I hope you are too. Feel free to leave your comments on the subject. And happy 100th post!!

-Jeremy aka Adridius

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