Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Rock Band=the "Wii" of games [editorial]

For a long time games were thought of as merely ways to entertain children. As time progressed, video games started to be more progressive, more in depth, and had better graphics, story-lines, and gameplay. Because of this progress, some people thought games were more intimidating and did not want to play them because their Pac-Man's and Centipedes had disappeared. As time progressed, one gaming company had the idea to make a system that was enjoyable for the whole family. With only two buttons to use, just like 20 years ago, and movement being controlled by the swipe of the wrist, the Wii was born. The Wii has taken over globally as one of the most innovative pieces of hardware that has come out in the 21st century (in my opinion). What's interesting is that a game that was made for next-gen systems can now fall into this category, Rock Band.

You might be wondering, "Jeremy, why are you talking about Rock Band? It has been out for so long. Why are you just now getting around to it?" The reason is because I see the kind of social revolution that is able to take place with a game as interactive as RB. When I bought RB I was usually playing it by myself. As my girlfriend and her friend came over to play it every now and then, it was fun, but it hadn't quite hit me how fun this game really had the potential of being. Last night as I am playing, I found myself in a state of joy that I had never experienced on RB before, I was playing with my mother and sister (whom had been playing for 6 hours prior too that when I was moving out of my apartment from college). We played songs my mom didn't know and she sang, my sister played the drums, then the guitar, I played the guitar, then the drums, I sang, my mom tried to play the drums, it was extremely fun. My mom kept saying, "We need to get another guitar, we need to buy another guitar!!"

I guess the whole point of this post is how great and interactively fun Rock Band can be. And this makes me happy because there are so many people who want to tell you that video games aren't social, that they are all about violence and that they are the downfall of our society. Games like Rock Band, and systems like the Wii, prove that this isn't true. If you haven't played this awesome game yet, I suggest giving it a try.

-Jeremy aka Adridius

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