Saturday, April 19, 2008

DC vs MK?

I'm all about innovation. Innovation meetings, innovation workshops, ideating, all of that good stuff that you see on those funny IBM commercials. But let's be real folks, DC versus Mortal Kombat? I'm all about crossing the paths of unlikely characters, but this isn't Super Smash Brothers, this is gore gore and more gory (and not the multi-million dollar former politician) paired up with childhood super hero icon. How does that mix?! I'm a positive person, I think it can work, but my better side of me is saying that you can't juxtapose two sets of characters on total opposite ends of the spectrum and put them in a game that will be taken seriously. I wonder if Bruce Wayne and Clark Kent will make cameos in a 'secret character' form? Haha! Ok, seriously, let me know what you think. Am I the only one that thinks this is ludicrous (and not the rapper).

-Jeremy aka Adridius

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