Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Some adjectives for Jack Thompson

Got this pic from Gamespolitics. Go check out why he sent it to them. Maybe instead of getting on GTA, Jack Thompson should read this article (thoughts on it coming soon).

Update: I will not be doing a commentary on the article as it is pretty plain to see when reading on Gamespolitics.com that GTA has not influenced killing or assaulting of police officers, and that's really all there is to say.

In my opinion Jack Thompson is an egotistical, media-hungry, make-it-up-as-you-go-along-to-get-attention-getting, self-serving, cant be told he's wrong, imbecile, nitty, nitwit, tomfool, moronic, nincompoop, conceited, vain of a jerk who should not be allowed to practice law or offer his opinion against video games whatsoever. We don't let bigots argue their point on national television as to why they hate certain races. Why do we let Jack Thompson continue to have a platform to purposely leave out the facts and research of games and just tell the people his unsolicited twisted opinion?

All of this coming from the picture above. It is clear to me that Jack Thompson gets off (and you know what, probably literally) on making a case against video games such as Grand Theft Auto IV. The most ludicrous part of this whole picture is the simple fact that he is holding up a game in which he has slammed for so long that is made by a company he bought stock in. If I see a picture of Jack Thompson actually playing the game I may just take what he says at a level just above crap and vomit mixed together (disgusting, I know).

Jack Thompson, why don't you go bother someone else for a change because you've sued enough companies and lost enough times to the point where anyone with a quarter of a brain knows you are a moron who seeks and craves attention so much that you would call a game a "murder simulator" that others, who are experts, flatly deny that the game is so. I don't know who beat you as a young adult with a Nintendo controller and made you say "Mario" (instead of Uncle) but you don't have to take it out on the gaming community and act like there is some sort of epidemic going on that the national government needs to consider changing laws for.

Go home, watch yourself on You Tube, take an ambien, go to sleep, repeat.

-Jeremy aka Adridius

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It's fairly easy to attack Thompson personally, but it isn't necessary. All you have to do is point to the first amendment, and all of his BS is exposed for what it is: political tripe. The same first amendment protects him as well. So, all we have to worry about is making sure he doesn't invade our freedom, while allowing him to spew his.