Sunday, April 6, 2008

Just when you thought Plastic was Phoolish

Thanks for the image Kotaku. Now for the caption.
"14.99? Isn't it just plastic? Does that mean it's recycled?"
Many people (I would imagine) upon first hearing of the Wii steering wheel peripheral for Mario Kart Wii either said, "Wow that's awesome!" Or they said, "What the heck, it's JUST plastic?" I was one of those people that mentioned the latter. Apparently I was wrong. It's not simply plastic. The wheel has been through 30 prototypes. There have been rumors that engineers, yes engineers are involved to make the final product the best it can be. There have been words such as, comfort, weight, and ergonomics used.

Engineers? Really? Wow. I need to take back all my negative thoughts about this being a good way to rip off people for a piece of plastic that they don't need. But when words like ergonomics are being used along with engineers, well I have to open my ears (get it, they are all 'E' words. Get it? Nevermind.).

I have to say I'm pretty intrigued. And by the sound of the words aforementioned I have to say $14.99 is not asking too much. It's Nintendo, I don't think they would add a steering wheel just to add one. I could be wrong, but it's not like they just need more money. Wait, on second thought, scratch the "I don't think they need more money". This is a business, everyone wants money. Have a good one folks.

-Jeremy aka Adridius

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