Saturday, April 19, 2008

Okami: Wii and PS2 comparison

I've never played Okami. Go ahead, go crazy, shoot guns in the air, cause a riot and start a chant for me to be burned at the stake. Ok you done now? Ok, if you've gotten this far you will see that I do WANT to play Okami, and I probably will go ahead and buy it for the Wii. Check out this video that compares the Wii Okami to the PS2. Personally I think the Wii is better because the colors are richer, and I like warm rich colors. But maybe that's just a preference of mine, some may like the more faded colors of the PS2. Let me know what you think. Also let me know if you have Okami for Wii or PS2.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It is unfortunate they couldn't replicate the exact visual style of the PS2 version. However, it seems that the Wii version has aditional effects added to it, with better particles and constrast of colors. But most people will play it for the gameplay. Here's hoping it is a commercial success.