Monday, April 14, 2008

MGS4 Headset

I'm a geek (as if you didn't know), and I like geekish things (this should not be confused with being a nerd). Well, I just heard about a Metal Gear Solid 4 headset for the PS3, and man, am I ready to drop some cold hard cash on this little bugger.

Not only is it a headset to talk trash on PS3 games, but it's Bluetooth; so I would imagine it would even work for my (GASP!) phone too!!! How awesome is that?! And maybe even my Bluetooth enabled computer! AWESOME! But even if I can only use it on my PS3, that's still awesome. Heck, it's MGS4. Konami could make a brand of cologne with MGS4 "Smell like Snake" and I'd buy it. That's all for now, check back often.

-Jeremy aka Adridius

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